Had a great time working on the pet rescue website with Jason Wieringa And David Bock today, learned a ton! The website is coming along well, we just added authorization so only if you are signed in can you add or change a dog's picture or infomation to the site.
I am going to be taking more initiative in making this site, and start working on features using branches in Github so I don't mess anything up when I make mistakes. Really looking forward to this next week, edX Berkeley continues with lecture videos and a quiz. I am going to try and make some head way on the pet rescue site as well.
The time has come to familiarize myself with Gimp, I'm going to download it tonight and try to go through a tutorial on how to use it this week. David Bock showed me a ton of great tips on how to use CSS and Sass with Rails, and also about making really good comments when I commit with Github.
All in all I feel like this was a really good week with lots of learning and new knowledge, it feels like things are starting to have a little bit of a snowball affect with my learning, like I understand new things in rails a little bit quicker because I can relate them to something else I have already learned.
19 hours of study this week, I have a pretty busy work week coming up but I will do better about getting at least 21 hours of studying in. - Josh
P.s. Jason Wieringa gave me my first Github "Octocat" sticker to put on my Mac, I feel almost like a real noob developer now :)
P.S.S. I'm going to try and post some pictures on my blog, since this has been a text only blog thus far...you know spice things up a little :)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
End of Week 18 = Total hours 359!!!
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Yes, obviously Free Code Camp is popular. It's supposed to make things easier for you to learn how to code. My problem is the length of...
I have always promised honesty and transparency with this blog. Last time I gave a review about Free Code Camp, I wasn't super supporti...
You need a Regular Expression to validate a phone number or a user's email address, so what do you do? Go onto StackOverflow and copy so...
What up peeps ! I feel like every day gets better and better, I just gotta' say life is good, No brag, just fact :-) I thought I woul...
Some things about development are not taught in college, some things about development are not even taught on the job. Some things you are j...
- End of Week 18 = Total hours 359!!!
- Rails getting Sassy!
- 340 hours of total study time in 17 weeks!
- Finishing the last week of Berkeley 169.1x SaaS Co...
- Cucumber & TDD
- The Turning Point = 314 hours of RoR studying
- MVC - Do they have personalities?
- Berkeley SaaS Week 4 lectures done :)
- Go Ravens!...and I love Cucumber!
- Life as a noob coder is great!