Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 27 = 560 hours 25 minutes of learning Ruby on Rails!

Logged my most hours in a week yet, 28 hours and 25 minutes. I spent an additional 2 hours working with my brother on how we are going to make some software for a friend and collect some data, so I wasn't coding but I was figuring out what pages we'd need, how a user would log in, anyway so I had a really productive week, lots of nights where my eyes got blurry so I had to finally admit defeat and go to sleep.

Life is good, studying is good. I'm back on making the site for my friend, I will have it done by the end of this week, I promise. Then on to making my surprise for May 23rd :-)

I've spent a lot of this week working on errors, I feel like it may be faster to program with someone else, but in the same token, you have to struggle a certain amount to really understand what you're doing, so yeah for errors!

No more time for chit-chat, back to studying, onward and upward! - Josh

P.S. I think the true mark of an aspiring programmer is you must fall asleep at your computer and have your wife wake you up and say: "Let's go to bed", oh there's not a better feeling than falling asleep on the job :-)