Drum Roll please.... I'm ready to get hired! joshuakemp-website.herokuapp.com
Sorry for the long URL I'm having DNS issues, I will fix shortly but I wanted you to see the finished site! Check it out and let me know what you think!
This is the one time I'm shamelessly begging for shares and retweets!!! :-) -Josh
Thursday, May 23, 2013
7 Month 212 Day Learning Ruby on Rails Journey = 658.75 hours of studying/learning!!!
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Yes, obviously Free Code Camp is popular. It's supposed to make things easier for you to learn how to code. My problem is the length of...
I have always promised honesty and transparency with this blog. Last time I gave a review about Free Code Camp, I wasn't super supporti...
You need a Regular Expression to validate a phone number or a user's email address, so what do you do? Go onto StackOverflow and copy so...
What up peeps ! I feel like every day gets better and better, I just gotta' say life is good, No brag, just fact :-) I thought I woul...
Some things about development are not taught in college, some things about development are not even taught on the job. Some things you are j...
- Learning Ruby on Rails Day: 220! Lots of things a...
- Learning Ruby on Rails Day: 217 "Custom Cartoon" :-)
- End of Week 31 = 665.75 hours learning RoR!!!
- Day 213 = WoW!
- 7 Month 212 Day Learning Ruby on Rails Journey = 6...
- Learning Ruby On Rails: 2 Days Left!!
- End of Week 30 = 640.75 hours of learning Ruby on ...
- Day: 209...only 4 days left!!
- 5 Days Left...Can you feel the pressure :-)
- Start count down : 6 Days left till Deadline!
- Learning Ruby on Rails: 9 Days left!!
- End of Week 29 = 10 Days Left....600+ hours and co...
- 615 hours studied and my site is up now!
- Learning Ruby on Rails Day: 195 = The Devil is in ...
- Learning Ruby on Rails Day 193: Talking to Flickr...
- Learning Ruby on Rails Day: 192 = 575.75 hours!