Monday, May 27, 2013

End of Week 31 = 665.75 hours learning RoR!!!

For the next 2 weeks I'll be featuring my Launch Website:
Check it out!!

What a week, learned a lot. Studied 25 hours this past week, accomplished quite a bit. I'm starting my next project, I'm making a Ruby search engine, I'm not saying it's going to beat Google, but a search engine just the same. The reason for this is I need to know Ruby better and I feel like this will put a little pressure on me.

My deadline to have it done is 3 weeks from my website launch date May 23rd, so at the latest, it must be done by June 13th, I'm hoping to have it done sooner, but I'm not sure how complicated it's going to be.

There are 3 basic things I need to do: (1) Extract links, (2) Crawl the web, and (3) Rank the search results. Then just put those steps together into a homemade search engine. Easy right? We'll see :-)

I think I'm going to make it into a RoR project, so I can have a slick interface to use, maybe even a log in, just so it's "exclusive". I was thinking that maybe I could make it into a Gem but I don't know who would want to use it, or how it would benefit a project. I want to make my own Gem down the road, I think it would be cool. Heck, everything in RoR is cool :-)  -Josh