Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Arlington Rails Meetup.

Last night I started the 'Gosu' and finally figured out you can't save a png file using the command line. I just kept trying because I thought that's what they wanted me to do, anyway got it working now, gonna' work on it some more tonight.

Went to the Arlington Rails Meetup for the first time tonight, which was good. Had a great presentation by Guille Carlos owner of on "Building a Web Framework" using the Gem 'gob' it was good even though I got lost and made a ton of errors, better luck next time:) Thankfully some of the nice developers their helped me out so I learned alot. Met Jim Gay of He was nice and helped answer me questions and get me unstuck several times.

So all in all, these meetups are well worth the hour + drive, if for nothing more just getting to ask questions and talk to real developers. I would also say the Rails community is very welcoming, I really like that.

Doing much better on study time this week. Now to code.-Josh